Friday, November 11, 2011

fall odyssey part 1

some rando we in the middle of the desert with lamas


  1. Hi, I'm from over here (

    I just saw your comment and checked out your blog a bit. Definitely like it, love the Joanna Newsom posted here too. Great great album, underrated sort of when haters compare it to Ys.

  2. haha - when I saw this on my blogger dashboard
    I thought it was going to be a relaxing little
    trip ... but it looks BRUTAL!!! - it looks like
    you are in some desert!!!

    I imagine it must have been pretty tough going
    - but rewarding

    and sitting on the edge of that cliff - wow.
    I always like that things seem a lot clearer
    when you have such beauty in front of you

    and I love the fact everyone camped alone for
    2 days

    real impressed you managed to take your holga
    and get some photography in - props to you!
    well worth it looking at the results

    love the sunset one and the rest that follow
    great new header photo
    - George

  3. it was definitely rewarding, i really bonded with some cool people in a totally unique way.

    sitting at my solo spot on that cliff, i pretty much sat there for hours doing nothing but looking out, and for some reason it wasn't boring... it was a great chance to not have to worry about anything, and just look out on the canyon...

    haha at first it was really awkward carrying the holga with me along with all my gear, but it was definitely worth bringing it along. plus i didn't feel too bad when it got covered in dust, because its just a cheap plastic lens...

  4. I agree, joanna newsom - have one on me was a great album that you can keep returning to.
